Most complete and safe website to plan your work

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Most complete and safe website to plan your work


Telephone advice service at no cost

Do you need help and advice to know what kind of professional do you need? You don't know hoy to start you remodeling project?

Since 2012 we've been helping people like you to *plan your new home's works" from the begining. All our customer service can give you phone advice about the doubts you will have during your ne home's project planning.

We know that doing works is an important economic and time investment and, in addition, your illusions of converting that apartment or house into your new home are at stake.

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Leave your data and we will call you
The only real-time reforms comparator
Get an instant and reliable price of your construction works

In 2012 we created an own algorithm that allows to get an instant and reliable price of your construction works. during these years, we have improved it to be able to be the most reliable and precise instant price in the market, with less than 10% of margin of error.

What is more, this algorithm is the same that our professionals use in our advanced estimating software STIMAT, so you can trust it.

The price is calculated among a medium quality materials. If you want a lower quality, you can discount a 10-15% to the result and if you want a higher quality, just there's no limit!

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More than 200,000 calculations support us!
The only real-time reforms comparator
Ask for Budgets and contact up to 4 professionals in your area without obligation
The only real-time reforms comparator

Ask for a quotation and get in touch with up to 4 professionals: One of our experts will phone you to give you some advice and give you an instant estimation of the work's cost.

One we publish your project, up to 4 professionals can contact you.

Through our platform, you will see their online estimation already compared(no commitment) and their online profile, which includes, images, reviews and other important information so that you can choose with whom you want to meet.

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STIMAT: Easy and interactive estimating software to visually compare your professional's quotations.
The only real-time reforms comparator

STIMAT is an online interactive professional estimating software but also intuitive and visual enough to facilitate the homeowners and professional's relationship. You both will save time managing the finishings options:

- Easily compare all your professional's quotations
- Visualy manage the finishings
- Deactivate works
Create your interactive budget from the professional's quotations

How do I invite my professionals?
- Create your project
- Go to BUDGET's tab
- Click on "Invite professionals" (they can use STIMAT for free

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STIMATpay: Secure and automatic payment manager betwee homeowners and professionals for construction works

STIMATpay is designed to reduce the frictions between homeowners and professionals when a payment is required. It is an automatic and secure mothodology that give all parties an more fluid, transparent and fair relationship.

- You make the transfer of the budget to our save bank account.
- The professionals sends you a detailed and visual certification when he wants to get payed.
- If you agree with the certification you can release the payment.
- You can visually manage how much you have alreade payed, for what and the deviations that have appeared.
- You both have a mediation service in case of any dispute.

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The only real-time reforms comparator

How do I contract STIMATpay?

Even if you have known your professional within Plan Reforma's MARKETPLACE or not, you can use STIMATpay.

  1. Create your project
  2. Go to BUDGET's tab and click on "Invite professionals" (they can use STIMAT for free)
  3. Go to SECURE PAYMENTS' tab and start STIMATpay's contract online signature

Work and reform prices guide

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Customers reviews

People like you who have done a work through PlanReforma

Carmen Camacho | Individual user about Arquigestiona     

"I made a full house renewal with Arquigestiona in a house which I am not currently inhabiting. I needed advice, good value, commitment to meeting deadlines and cleaning skills. I was very pleased with the work they have done. I thought that getting into reforms without managing them would be a headache, but I was finally really impressed with the results. I would repeat with them without hesitation."

María José | Individual user about Renova Design     

"Renova Design made a complete renovation of my house, pulling walls and changing the layout of the rooms and the lounge. Aurora is very good professional and with this new layout she has successfully expanded restrooms and create much larger and luminous spaces, giving me advises throughout the work on the design, finishes, etc ... Despite the scale of the work, it was delivered within a very short period of time and only delayed due to extensions I asked for. The overall experience was really satisfactory and would recommend her to anyone who asked me."

See more than 1.400 reviews of Plan Reforma professionals

Who do we help?


We help individuals to plan their work visually, simply and quickly, both renovations and home constructions, from start to finish, that is, from contacting through our MARKETPLACE, to managing budgets with STIMAT and secure payment management with STIMATpay, reducing the level of stress and price discussions before, during and at the end of the works. All services can be used independently. That is, it is not necessary to contact a MARKETPLACE professional to use STIMATpay, for example.


We help professionals to grow their businesses and optimize their management time, saving them up to 80% of the time they usually spend: We help them find new clients outside their circle of acquaintances through MARKETPLACE; We help them make budgets faster and with a more visual format that serves as a sales tool and thus convert more potential customers into real customers; We help them to ensure the collection and automate the generation of certifications and invoices through STIMATpay.

Manufacturers, Distributors, ecommerces and Purchasing centers

We help manufacturers or distributors to prescribe their products knowing the ROI of their investment, since we can offer digital traceability of the entire process, up to the acceptance and even the purchase of construction materials. During 2020 we laid out more than 600,000 million euros in works. We rent our digital platform in order to obtain a MARKETPLACE traceable to the sale, with a low economic and time investment.


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