Logo Victor Casado

Victor Casado

Piscina, Exterior, Hotel style contemporaneo color marron, blanco  diseñado por Victor Casado | Arquitecto | Copyright Foto de las Piscinas. Angel Luis Alday para la promotora.

Piscina, Exterior, Hotel style contemporaneo color marron, blanco diseñado por Victor Casado | Arquitecto | Copyright Foto de las Piscinas. Angel Luis Alday para la promotora.

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  • Tipo de obra: Contract
  • estilo: Contemporaneo
  • Habitación: Piscina | Exterior | Hotel |
  • Etiquetas: Loft | Muebles de exterior | Tumbona | Fachada |

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Victor Casado : Ampliación y reforma de hotel en Fuerteventura. DESCRIPTION The project involved the expansion and reform of a four star hotel built in 1997 and closed since 2003. The main problem of the hotel was the location and size of the kitchen and the dining room, too small for the 406 seats of the hotel. The amplification was carried in the back, where the tennis court was eliminated, in this place were built the warehouse supplies, the kitchen and the new dining room.
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